RP-1843 Arcagen
Arcagen – EORTC Research Project 1843 – is a collaborative project with the ERN EURACAN and Roche. It recruited patients with rare cancer, to gain understanding of the molecular landscape of rare cancer. The project recruited around 1000 patients in one of the 10 rare cancer domains as defined by Euracan. A free molecular report (FMI NGS panel) is generated and shared with the clinician, for all eligible patients, within 4 weeks. The project is now in analysis phase. Please visit the Euracan website for more information on Euracan.
Molecular analysis (NGS panel) is performed by Foundation Medicine.
For all patients enrolled in the project, a molecular report containing the clinically relevant molecular alterations will be shared with the treating clinician.
FFPE material is required to perform the molecular analysis. In case of failure, the analysis could be perform using liquid biopsy.
Arcagen is a collaboration between EORTC and Euracan and is funded by F. Hoffman-La Roche. For more information on the project, please contact the project team 1843@eortc.org.
For SPECTA, please enroll patients with the tumor type specified in the table, ONLY when the status is green. You can enroll those patients by clicking on the , next to the green status.
Study specific information (HBM, Project Specific selection criteria, CRF completion guidelines…) can be found here . Please note that your electronic database ORTA password is required for access (protocol 1553).
For any questions, please contact the project e-mail address: 1843@eortc.org.
To view the List of Cohorts, please flip your mobile phone horizontally: