RP-1759 AYA


AYA – EORTC Research Project 1759 – is focusing on adolescent and young adults with CNS and Sarcoma tumors, and collaborating with DKFZ (Heidelberg) for the molecular analysis (WES, RNAseq and methylation assay).

Molecular reports and pathology review are shared with clinicians and discussed during a molecular tumor board.

Dr. Martin McCabe,
Dr. Martin McCabe,Christie NHS, Manchester University(UK)
Pr. Winette van der Graaf,
Pr. Winette van der Graaf,Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam(NL)
Dr. Bernd Kasper,
Dr. Bernd Kasper,Universitätsmedizin Mannheim(Germany)
Pr. Matthias Preusser,
Pr. Matthias Preusser,Universitätsklinikum Wien(Austria)

All molecular analyses (WES, RNAseq and methylation array) are performed at DKFZ (Heidelberg).

For all patients enrolled in the project, a molecular report containing the clinically relevant molecular alterations will be shared with the treating clinician. A molecular tumor board is also organised monthly to discuss the findings.

Patients aged between 12 and 29 years old with CNS or sarcoma tumor could be eligible for this project.

List of cohort

A FFPE material and a blood tube are mandatory for inclusion in this project.

The AYA project has been supported by Walgreens Boots Alliance.

  • Comprehensive molecular profiling of sarcomas in adolescent and young adult patients: Results of the EORTC SPECTA-AYA international proof-of-concept study
    (2022 – European Journal of Cancer) Read more
  • EORTC SPECTA-AYA: A unique molecular profiling platform for adolescents and young adults with cancer in Europe
    (2019 – International Journal of Cancer) Read more


For SPECTA, please enroll patients with the tumor type specified in the table, ONLY when the status is green. You can enroll those patients by clicking on the , next to the green status.
Study specific information (HBM, Project Specific selection criteria, CRF completion guidelines…) can be found here . Please note that your electronic database ORTA password is required for access (protocol 1553).

For any questions, please contact the project e-mail address: 1759@eortc.org.

To view the List of Cohorts, please flip your mobile phone horizontally:

Primary disease Status
Cohort 1

  • Patients with non-grade 1 bone or soft tissue sarcoma
  • Newly diagnosed or any relapsed
  • Age between 12 and 29
Primary disease Status
Cohort 1

  • Patients with high grade glioma (grade 3 and 4, including relapsed disease from lower grade) and relapsed/refractory primary CNS tumor of any histology for which there are no standard treatment options available (as assessed by the clinician)
  • Newly diagnosed or any relapsed
  • Age between 12 and 29